Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

 Keistimewaan Wanita

1. Do'a  wanita lebih makbul daripada lelaki karena sifat penyayang yang lebih kuat daripada lelaki.  Ketika ditanya kepada Rasulullah SAW akan hal tersebut, jawab baginda : " Ibu lebih penyayang daripada Bapak dan doa orang yang penyayang tidak akan sia-sia.

2. Wanita yang solehah ( baik ) itu lebih baik daripada 1000 lelaki yang soleh.

3. Barang siapa yang menggembirakan anak perempuannya, derajatnya seperti orang yang senantiasa menangis Karena takut Allah SWT dan orang yang takut Allah SWT akan diharamkan api neraka  keatas tubuhnya.

4. Barang siapa yang membawa hadiah ( barang, makanan dari pasar kerumah ) lalu diberikan kepada keluarganya, maka  pahalanya seperti bersedakah. Hendaklah mendahulukan anak perempuan daripada anak lelaki. Maka barang siapa yang menyukai akan anak perempuan seolah-olah dia memerdekakan anak Nabi Ismail A.S

5. Wanita  yang tinggal bersama anak-anaknya, akan tinggal bersama aku ( Rasulullah SAW ) di dalam surga.

6. Barang siapa yang mempunyai tiga anak perempuan atau tiga Saudara perempuan atau dua Saudara perempuan , lalu dia bersikap ihsan dalam pergaulan dengan mereka dengan penuh  rasa takwa serta bertanggung jawab, maka baginya  adalah surga.

7. Dari Aisyah r.a. "Barang siapa yang diuji dengan sesuatu dari anak-anak perempuannya  lalu dia berbuat baik kepada mereka , maka mereka akan menjadi penghalang baginya api neraka."

8. Surga  itu di bawah telapak kaki ibu.

9. Apabila memanggilmu dua orang ibu bapamu  maka jawablah  panggilan ibumu dahulu.

10. Wanita yang taat berkhidmat kepada suaminya akan tertutup pintu-pintu neraka dan terbuka pintu-pintu surga . Masuklah dari manapun pintu yang dia kehendaki dengan tidak dihisab.

11. Wanita yang taat pada suaminya, semua ikan-ikan di laut, burung di udara, malaikat di langit, matahari dan bulan, semuanya beristigfar baginya selama dia taat kepada  suaminya dan rekannya ( serta  menjaga sembahyang dan puasanya ).

12. Aisyah r.a. berkata " aku bertanya pada rasulullah SAW, siapakah yang lebih besar haknya terhadap wanita? Jawab baginda "suaminya". Siapa pula berhak terhadap lelaki?" jawab Rasulullah SAW "Ibunya"

13. Perempuan apabila sembahyang lima waktu, puasa di bulan Ramadhan, memelihara kehormatannya serta taat pada suaminya, masuklah dia dari pintu  surga mana saja yang dia kehendaki

14. Tiap perempuan yang menolong suaminya dalam urusan agama, maka Allah SWT  memasukkan dia kedalam surga lebih dahulu daripada suaminya ( 10.000 tahun )

15. Apabila seorang perempuan mengandung janin dalam rahimnya, maka beristigfarlah para malaikat untuknya. Allah SWT mencatatkan baginya setiap hari dengan 1000 kebaikan dan  menghapuskan darinya 1000 kejahatan.

16. Apabila seorang perempuan  mulai sakit hendak bersalin, maka Allah SWT mencatatkan  baginya pahala orang yang berjihad pada jalan Allah SWT

17. Apabila seorang perempuan  melahirkan anak, keluarlah ia dari dosa-dosa seperti keadaan ibunya melahirkan

18. Apabila telah lahir ( anak ) lalu disusui, maka bagi ibu itu setiap satu tegukan dari susunya diberi satu kebajikan

19. Apabila semalaman ( ibu ) tidak tidur dan memelihara anaknya yang sakit, maka Allah SWT memberinya pahala seperti memerdekakan 70 orang hamba dengan ikhlas untuk membela agama Allah SWT 
Dan satu keistimewaan yang sangat mulia ialah 
menjadi seorang ibu.....

Senin, 21 November 2011

Senyum untuk Indonesia

Senyum untuk Indonesia
Meluntuhkan hati
Meneduhkan pandangan
Meredam amarah
                        Sepasang kekasih takkan pernah hidup bahagia
Tanpa dihiasi senyuman setiap harinya

Teamwork semut takkan pernah terjalin dengan solid
Tanpa senyuman yang senantiasa terukir
                        Suatu negri juga takkan pernah bangkit dan berjaya
                        Tanpa senyuman para pemuda
Senyuman yang membangkitkan energi positif
Untuk senantiasa berkaya
                        Generasi muda.....
                        Tetaplah tersenyum untuk indonesia
                        Tuk lahirkan karya-karya mulia
                        Tuk meraih kejayaan bangsa

Senyum dapat merubah segalanya
Membawa negri ini
Menjadi panutan dunia

                        Tersenyumlah sahabat
                        Tersenyumlah untuk indonesia tercinta.............

Kamis, 17 November 2011

Bukittinggi, The good town...

Hello Guys……,

Do you know Bukittinggi???
Let me tell you about that …

A. Geographic Layout Of The City Of Bukittinggi
City of Bukittinggi currently consists of 3 districts with 24 wards.

1. Mandiangin Koto Selayan ‘s District.
SUB area of 12.185 Km2 (48,28%, has a population by as much as 32.157 people with an average density of 930 persons per km2). District consists of 9 Wards namely:
• Kelurahan Campago Ipuh
• Kelurahan Campago Guguk Bulek
• Kelurahan Kubu Gulai Bancah
• Kelurahan Puhun Tembok
• Kelurahan Puhun Pintu Kabun
• Kelurahan Manggis
• Kelurahan Pulai Anak Air
• Kelurahan Garegeh
• Kelurahan Koto Salayan

2. Guguk Panjang’s District
Sub area of 6,931 Km2 (27,07%, has a population of people with a density as much 38.510 average 5.638 persons per km2). District consists of 7 Wards, namely:
• Kelurahan Kayu Kubu
• Kelurahan Pakan Kurai
• Kelurahan Benteng Pasar Atas
• Kelurahan Bukit Cangang Kayu Ramang
• Kelurahan Aur Tajungkang Tengah Sawah
• Kelurahan Tarok Dipo
• Kelurahan Bukit Apit Puhun

3. Aua Birugo Tigo Baleh’s District
The total area of 9,252 Km2 (24,778%, has a population of people with a density as much 20.733 average 3.316 persons per km2). District consists of 8 Wards, namely:
• Kelurahan Belakang Balok
• Kelurahan Birugo
• Kelurahan Aur Kuning
• Kelurahan Sapiran
• Kelurahan Kubu Tanjung
• Kelurahan Pakan Labuah
• Kelurahan Ladang Cakiah
• Kelurahan Parit Antang

B. The Government Tourism

Tourism potential of the city of Bukittinggi
1. Scenic tours
    a. Sianok Canyon
    b. Panorama
    c.Panoramic New
    d. Rank 1,000
    e. View Bukittinggi City Hall
2. Historical
    a. Clock Tower
    b. Ford Castle de Cock
    c. Bung Hatta
    d. Palace Zoo/Park Kinantan
    e. Japan’s hole
    f. Bung Hatta
3.cultural tourism.
    a.Cultural Museum/Home Bagonjong
4. Culinary tourism/Shopping
    a. Los Lambuang
5. Where issues of tourism
    a. Hatta
    b. Trial Hall Audutorium Hatta Library
    c. Palace of Bung Hatta

C. Education
Education set to become the pre-eminent city of Bukittinggi potential area, also in line with the functions and the natural conditions with air the city of Bukittinggi is cool will strongly support for the Organization of education, therefore, since from the Netherlands, the city of Bukittinggi and surrounding areas as the establishment of centers of education. We are familiar with "the King's school", the first medical school, Mosvia School, School, Mulo Kweek, School Governance, clergy (APDN), HIS and Ambach shcool. And at the time of the beginning of independence stand and Cadet schools and Pamong Polwan Paraja the first in Indonesia, even University of Andalas currently resides in Padang, previously located in Bukittinggi. Bukittinggi City Education and infrastructure has had an adequate education because it is currently available at 34 Kindergartens, 59 Elementary School, 10 Junior High School, 28 Senior High Schoool and 18 University. Range of educational services not only to natives Bukittinggi, but covers an area of West Sumatra to the North, part of the Riau, North Sumatra and Jambi. So does the power of teachers/professors have adequate so that the academic achievement of students in this city is very boasts.

D. Health 
Bukittinggi city which has a cool climate has a huge opportunity for the city health service and resting. The city with an area of relative small has had 5 hospitals namely three Government-owned and supported by 2 private with 5 units of clinics scattered non inpres ditiap districts and 6 puskesmas and 15 clinics helpers. Healthcare excellence in Bukittinggi is there is a services development center which is the only national stroke in Indonesia. Conditions and infrastructure are adequate, relative correlated positively with the level of  patients come, in 2004 as many as 259.196 people have already come home sick in Bukittinggi. 46,26% based on  origins that sufferers were treated at the hospital come from outside and Bukittinggi in West Sumatra Province, 48,73% of bukittinggi and 5.01% come from outside the province of West Sumatra.

E. Field Of Trade And Services

From the history of the city of Bukittinggi, beginning with the establishment of the market On the hill in 1858 which was intended as a place for transactions of the society. It is this location that developed and expanded into a Community Center in Bukittinggi. Thus from the beginning meant and functionally Bukittinggi as a place of trade. Along with the rapid development of trading activities, as well as inherent to the function of providing services. Function as a city of Trade and services is already attached to the city of Bukittinggi that growing up was so fast, especially with the Central stem supported 4 market:
1. Pasar Atas
2. Pasar Bawah
3. Pasar Simpang Aur
4. Pasar Banto

So, What do you think???, It’s Interest right??....

Bukittinggi, The good town...

Hello Guys……,
Do you know Bukittinggi???
Let me tell you about that …

A. Geographic Layout Of The City Of Bukittinggi
City of Bukittinggi currently consists of 3 districts with 24 wards.

1. Mandiangin Koto Selayan ‘s District.

SUB area of 12.185 Km2 (48,28%, has a population by as much as 32.157 people with an average density of 930 persons per km2). District consists of 9 Wards namely:
• Kelurahan Campago Ipuh
• Kelurahan Campago Guguk Bulek
• Kelurahan Kubu Gulai Bancah
• Kelurahan Puhun Tembok
• Kelurahan Puhun Pintu Kabun
• Kelurahan Manggis
• Kelurahan Pulai Anak Air
• Kelurahan Garegeh
• Kelurahan Koto Salayan

2. Guguk Panjang’s District

Sub area of 6,931 Km2 (27,07%, has a population of people with a density as much 38.510 average 5.638 persons per km2). District consists of 7 Wards, namely:
• Kelurahan Kayu Kubu
• Kelurahan Pakan Kurai
• Kelurahan Benteng Pasar Atas
• Kelurahan Bukit Cangang Kayu Ramang
• Kelurahan Aur Tajungkang Tengah Sawah
• Kelurahan Tarok Dipo
• Kelurahan Bukit Apit Puhun

3. Aua Birugo Tigo Baleh’s District

The total area of 9,252 Km2 (24,778%, has a population of people with a density as much 20.733 average 3.316 persons per km2). District consists of 8 Wards, namely:
• Kelurahan Belakang Balok
• Kelurahan Birugo
• Kelurahan Aur Kuning
• Kelurahan Sapiran
• Kelurahan Kubu Tanjung
• Kelurahan Pakan Labuah
• Kelurahan Ladang Cakiah
• Kelurahan Parit Antang
The town is bordered by the town in bukittingi the Agam Regency, namely:
• North with Tilatang Agam
• South with Banuhampu Sungai Pua
• West with IV Koto
• East with IV Angkek Canduang

B. The Government Tourism
Tourism potential of the city of Bukittinggi
1. Scenic tours
    a. Sianok Canyon
    b. Panorama
    c.Panoramic New
    d. Rank 1,000
    e. View Bukittinggi City Hall
2. Historical
    a. Clock Tower
    b. Ford Castle de Cock
    c. Bung Hatta
    d. Palace Zoo/Park Kinantan
    e. Japan’s hole
    f. Bung Hatta
3.cultural tourism.
    a.Cultural Museum/Home Bagonjong
4. Culinary tourism/Shopping
    a. Los Lambuang
5. Where issues of tourism
    a. Hatta
    b. Trial Hall Audutorium Hatta Library
    c. Palace of Bung Hatta

C. Education
Education set to become the pre-eminent city of Bukittinggi potential area, also in line with the functions and the natural conditions with air the city of Bukittinggi is cool will strongly support for the Organization of education, therefore, since from the Netherlands, the city of Bukittinggi and surrounding areas as the establishment of centers of education. We are familiar with "the King's school", the first medical school, Mosvia School, School, Mulo Kweek, School Governance, clergy (APDN), HIS and Ambach shcool. And at the time of the beginning of independence stand and Cadet schools and Pamong Polwan Paraja the first in Indonesia, even University of Andalas currently resides in Padang, previously located in Bukittinggi. Bukittinggi City Education and infrastructure has had an adequate education because it is currently available at 34 Kindergartens, 59 Elementary School, 10 Junior High School, 28 Senior High Schoool and 18 University. Range of educational services not only to natives Bukittinggi, but covers an area of West Sumatra to the North, part of the Riau, North Sumatra and Jambi. So does the power of teachers/professors have adequate so that the academic achievement of students in this city is very boasts.

D. Health        
Bukittinggi city which has a cool climate has a huge opportunity for the city health service and resting. The city with an area of relative small has had 5 hospitals namely three Government-owned and supported by 2 private with 5 units of clinics scattered non inpres ditiap districts and 6 puskesmas and 15 clinics helpers. Healthcare excellence in Bukittinggi is there is a services development center which is the only national stroke in Indonesia. Conditions and infrastructure are adequate, relative correlated positively with the level of  patients come, in 2004 as many as 259.196 people have already come home sick in Bukittinggi. 46,26% based on  origins that sufferers were treated at the hospital come from outside and Bukittinggi in West Sumatra Province, 48,73% of bukittinggi and 5.01% come from outside the province of West Sumatra.

E. Field Of Trade And Services
From the history of the city of Bukittinggi, beginning with the establishment of the market On the hill in 1858 which was intended as a place for transactions of the society. It is this location that developed and expanded into a Community Center in Bukittinggi. Thus from the beginning meant and functionally Bukittinggi as a place of trade. Along with the rapid development of trading activities, as well as inherent to the function of providing services. Function as a city of Trade and services is already attached to the city of Bukittinggi that growing up was so fast, especially with the Central stem supported 4 market:
1. Pasar Atas
2. Pasar Bawah
3. Pasar Simpang Aur
4. Pasar Banto

So, What do you think???, It’s Interest right??...

Bukittinggi, The good town...

Hello Guys..……,
Do you know Bukittinggi?? 
Let me tell you about that …

A. Geographic Layout Of The City Of Bukittinggi
City of Bukittinggi currently consists of 3 districts with 24 wards.
1. Mandiangin Koto Selayan ‘s District.
SUB area of 12.185 Km2 (48,28%, has a population by as much as 32.157 people with an average density of 930 persons per km2). District consists of 9 Wards namely:
• Kelurahan Campago Ipuh
• Kelurahan Campago Guguk Bulek
• Kelurahan Kubu Gulai Bancah
• Kelurahan Puhun Tembok
• Kelurahan Puhun Pintu Kabun
• Kelurahan Manggis
• Kelurahan Pulai Anak Air
• Kelurahan Garegeh
• Kelurahan Koto Salayan
2. Guguk Panjang’s District
Sub area of 6,931 Km2 (27,07%, has a population of people with a density as much 38.510 average 5.638 persons per km2). District consists of 7 Wards, namely:
• Kelurahan Kayu Kubu
• Kelurahan Pakan Kurai
• Kelurahan Benteng Pasar Atas
• Kelurahan Bukit Cangang Kayu Ramang
• Kelurahan Aur Tajungkang Tengah Sawah
• Kelurahan Tarok Dipo
• Kelurahan Bukit Apit Puhun
3. Aua Birugo Tigo Baleh’s District
The total area of 9,252 Km2 (24,778%, has a population of people with a density as much 20.733 average 3.316 persons per km2). District consists of 8 Wards, namely:
• Kelurahan Belakang Balok
• Kelurahan Birugo
• Kelurahan Aur Kuning
• Kelurahan Sapiran
• Kelurahan Kubu Tanjung
• Kelurahan Pakan Labuah
• Kelurahan Ladang Cakiah
• Kelurahan Parit Antang
The town is bordered by the town in bukittingi the Agam Regency, namely:
• North with Tilatang Agam
• South with Banuhampu Sungai Pua
• West with IV Koto
• East with IV Angkek Canduang

B. The Government Tourism



Tourism potential of the city of Bukittinggi
1. Scenic tours
    a. Sianok Canyon
    b. Panorama
    c.Panoramic New
    d. Rank 1,000
    e. View Bukittinggi City Hall
2. Historical
    a. Clock Tower
    b. Ford Castle de Cock
    c. Bung Hatta
    d. Palace Zoo/Park Kinantan
    e. Japan’s hole
    f. Bung Hatta
3.cultural tourism.
    a.Cultural Museum/Home Bagonjong
4. Culinary tourism/Shopping
    a. Los Lambuang
5. Where issues of tourism
    a. Hatta
    b. Trial Hall Audutorium Hatta Library
    c. Palace of Bung Hatta

C. Education


Education set to become the pre-eminent city of Bukittinggi potential area, also in line with the functions and the natural conditions with air the city of Bukittinggi is cool will strongly support for the Organization of education, therefore, since from the Netherlands, the city of Bukittinggi and surrounding areas as the establishment of centers of education. We are familiar with “the King’s school”, the first medical school, Mosvia School, School, Mulo Kweek, School Governance, clergy (APDN), HIS and Ambach shcool. And at the time of the beginning of independence stand and Cadet schools and Pamong Polwan Paraja the first in Indonesia, even University of Andalas currently resides in Padang, previously located in Bukittinggi. Bukittinggi City Education and infrastructure has had an adequate education because it is currently available at 34 Kindergartens, 59 Elementary School, 10 Junior High School, 28 Senior High Schoool and 18 University. Range of educational services not only to natives Bukittinggi, but covers an area of West Sumatra to the North, part of the Riau, North Sumatra and Jambi. So does the power of teachers/professors have adequate so that the academic achievement of students in this city is very boasts.

D. Health

      Bukittinggi city which has a cool climate has a huge opportunity for the city health service and resting. The city with an area of relative small has had 5 hospitals namely three Government-owned and supported by 2 private with 5 units of clinics scattered non inpres ditiap districts and 6 puskesmas and 15 clinics helpers. Healthcare excellence in Bukittinggi is there is a services development center which is the only national stroke in Indonesia. Conditions and infrastructure are adequate, relative correlated positively with the level of  patients come, in 2004 as many as 259.196 people have already come home sick in Bukittinggi.  
46,26% based on  origins that sufferers were treated at the hospital come from outside and Bukittinggi in West Sumatra Province, 48,73% of bukittinggi and 5.01% come from outside the province of West Sumatra.

E. Field Of Trade And Services

From the history of the city of Bukittinggi, beginning with the establishment of the market On the hill in 1858 which was intended as a place for transactions of the society. It is this location that developed and expanded into a Community Center in Bukittinggi. Thus from the beginning meant and functionally Bukittinggi as a place of trade. Along with the rapid development of trading activities, as well as inherent to the function of providing services. Function as a city of Trade and services is already attached to the city of Bukittinggi that growing up was so fast, especially with the Central stem supported 4 market:
1. Pasar Atas
2. Pasar Bawah
3. Pasar Simpang Aur
4. Pasar Banto

So, What do you think???  It's interest right???.....